Sri Ramkrishna Ashram Nimpith

Sri Ramkrishna Ashram Nimpith

The main motive of Sri Ramkrishna Ashram, Nimpith was to help people by solving generic problems, like poverty, unemployment, illiteracy, illness. Over time, Nimpith Ashram worked on almost every possible problem. Swami Buddhanandaji Maharaj founded Sri Ramkrishna Ashram, Nimpith in 1960. The goal was to serve the distressed, the deserted and the destitute as adorable…

Victoria Memorial Museum | Kolkata City Guide

Victoria Memorial Museum | Kolkata City Guide

Victoria Memorial is one of the most popular historical places in Kolkata. It is also known for its large marble building. It also portrays most of the British era between 1757 to 1947. Whether you are from Kolkata or planning to visit Kolkata, definitely visit Victoria Memorial once after reading this article. Today we will…